The enigmatic ‘The New False’ billboards have been revealed to be the work of comedian Lekzy DeComic, debunking earlier speculations about a political figure behind the campaign.
The reveal occurred at a press conference on August 22, 2024, at Grand Casamora in East Legon, Accra. Lekzy DeComic, a veteran in the comedy industry with over eleven years of experience, is gearing up for his latest comedy special.
Scheduled for September 28, 2024, the comedy special will take place at the UPSA Auditorium in Accra and is anticipated to be one of the most significant and entertaining events in Ghana’s arts and pop culture scene.
Titled ‘The New False,’ the special aims to provide a humorous escape from the political tensions in the country. Lekzy and his team at 2Cute Entertainment plan to address pressing issues in Ghana through comedy, delivering their message in a witty and non-provocative manner.
Lekzy DeComic is well-known for his previous specials, including ‘Too Cute to be Mute 1k,’ ‘Too Cute to be Mute (Amplified Edition),’ and ‘CanPAIN MESSage.’ He has performed at major events like Laughline Comedy Show, Easter Comedy Show, Comedy Fiesta, and many others.
Internationally, Lekzy has showcased his talent at events such as the Bloemfontein International Comedy Festival, Extreme Comedy Wednesday in South Africa, and various shows in the United States, including Go Bananas Comedy Club.
His efforts have earned him accolades, including the Best Comedy Special award for ‘Can Pain Message’ at the 2024 Ghana Comedy Awards.